This gave me such an epic feeling...
I immediately clicked on "Scale of the Universe 2" when I saw it on 'Today's best'. I enjoyed part one very much, so this one couldn't disappoint.
It didn't.
As I did with part one, I first went to the smallest size, and noticed that there's info when you click on stuff(!). I loved that, I haven't read everything, but I will.
As for art: 9/10.
It looks amazing, the measurements are listed, the pictures are good and the quality is high. Truly amazing.
Music: 10/10.
Normally with games/gadgets I mute music after a while, but this music fitted perfectly. It sent me into a dreaming state and quite helped to inspire me to write this review, well chosen and well made by MacLeod.
Concept: 10/10
Awesome. Just awesome. As said before, the information was a great add and pretty... informative and also the occasional humor was indeed funny.
The only thing that bothered me for a while was the scrolling speed. For me at first it was too slow, but that really doesn't matter if you're planning on reading it all, luckily. Also, the fact that you can scroll with your mouse was pleasant.
Anyway, this game was instantly faved, voted 5 and voted 10/10. It isn't really something I do often, so congratulations.
Now excuse me, I'm going to read a bit further and be a smartass tomorrow at school.